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Gue coba ketik-ketik disini ada kata yang "bergerak" dari hati gue *alah*. Kalian boleh lirik atas-bawah, ada info, ada curhat de-el-el .. isi nyaaaa.. Yah semacam Rainbow Life lah hehe
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Kamis, 10 November 2011

Air - Song For You

Don’t cry just sweep your pain from your eyes

that makes me fall to your heart
Sorry, it’s all i can say to yuor heart
you’ll always with me

You are my dream
My sweetest dream
Please babe don’t leave me alone
Hold me tight
Close in my arms
I’m with you wherever you are
You’ll always be my happy life
This love will last forever

Trust me i know what you have been through
believe me i’m here for you
Feel me i always be around you
Wherever i go

You are my dream
My sweetest dream
Please babe don’t leave me alone
Hold me tight
Close in my arms
I’m with you wherever you are
You’ll always be my happy life
This love will last forever

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